Of Dice and Friends Podcast

Magic, Mayhem, and Misadventure

DnD from our friends to yours.

Like so many other fabulous nerds, we love Dungeons and Dragons. We’ve spent years perfecting our particular flavor of role playing, now its time we share it with the world. Come join us on our heavily RP, character centric experience and discover the world of Kythar together!

Well, friends, here we are.

Fourteen months ago, we met five lost souls in the path of Malice, each of them struggling to find their way in a world of fractured races and feuding demigods.

Thanks to you (and your intervening dice rolls!), our six heroes - or perhaps antiheroes? - have grown from broken souls into menders of the world, all while striving for what they felt was right in the face of seemingly insurmountable opposition.

To all of our listeners who have come this far, we thank you. And to our patrons, who have supported this podcast both behind the scenes and in front of them, we extend to you our profound gratitude, for you have shaped this world alongside us, mourning our failures and cheering our successes along the way. Truly, Kythar's demigods pale in comparison to all of you.

For now, this is it for our 14-month campaign. But you never know what the future may bring, so don't stray too far! Our Discord channel will remain open to the public, where the adventures will continue. So come join if you haven't already - we'd love to have you! https://discord.com/channels/981644538730905691

From ours hearts to yours, thank you for letting us regale you with memorable tales of Magic, Mayhem, and Misadventure!

With love,

The Entire ODAF Gang

Joey, Rachel, Nolan, Greg, Aaron, & Sarek

Come Join Us On Discord!

It’s now completely free: https://discord.gg/3us7r9VyzT

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We release a new episode every Monday morning so you’ll never be bored on your start-of-week commute!